Are You Looking For a Bespoke Solution?

Mann McGowan - Pyrotape for Glazing Systems

SKU: CY150030W00T-22000

Pyrotape tape provides a minimum of 60 minutes protection in timber and metal-based glazed doors and screens.

A compressible material which maintains its density and tensile strength when subjected to high temperatures.

Pyrotape is supplied with a unique open self-adhesive backing. This eliminates the need to remove awkward backing paper during installation.

  • Withstands temperatures as high as 1100°C
  • Available in white and black
  • Proven integrity up to 245 minutes in glazed steel door sets
  • Pyrotape provides 50% compression thus eliminating glass rattle
  • Simple application with open self-adhesive
  • Tested with numerous glass types as dictated by Certifire/fire test evidence
  • Dry glazed system, no cleaning down after installation
  • Standard sizes 15 x 3mm (22m per coil) & 15 x 6mm (10m per coil)

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